CROGHAN | 9795A State Route 812 Croghan, NY 13327 | 315-346-6378

DEER RIVER | 3997 Deer River Road Deer River, NY 13627 | 315-493-2391

LOWVILLE | 7383 M. Utica Boulevard Lowville, NY 13367 | 315-376-2731

Built on Integrity Since 1950

What Is an Insurance Agent’s Role in the Claims Process?


Whether you are selling policies or servicing them, the insurance game is all about connections and relationships and you have a vital role in helping clients through the claims process. Your customers come to you because they know and trust that you will protect their assets. But if something happens in the claims process, it may be out of your control, and could leave your client feeling frustrated. So what is the role of an insurance agent in the claims process? Foy Agency is an insurance agency that helps their clients understand the claims process and sharing the role of an insurance agent in that process.

Client/Agent Relationship

You have your clients who have come to you to help them protect their assets. If something happens, they might express their frustrations with the provider with you so never underestimate the role you have in helping the claims process go smooth with your client. Some ways you can continue building the relationship with your client are by providing good advice, directing your client to the right people, and continue to work to keep your clients rates competitive. Foy Agency strives to be a step above when you need us the most. When you have a claim, the Foy Agency Insurance is there to guide you through the claims process.

Before a Claim

As an Insurance Agent, you know it’s important to cover clients exposure, identify appropriate deductibles, and recommend suitable endorsements by working together with your client. Good client relationship management begins before a catastrophe happens. Many Agents have internal claims professionals who can help process claims more efficiently. If catastrophe does happen, you will have the resources an experience to handle the claims.

Other Ways to Help Through the Claims Process
When your client is filing a claim, they’ll have many concerns throughout the process so it’s important to make sure you provide them with your resources and information. Some things they may want to know include who to contact about the claim, who evaluates their losses, how quickly they can expect compensation, and whether the insurance company can cancel their policy. Foy Agency Insurance provides you with all the answers to questions you may have.

Foy Agency Insurance is there to guide you through the claims processes for your clients with our claim service. No matter the event that happens, you will be prepared to handle any insurance claim that comes in and be there for your client. Contact Foy Agency Insurance for more information about claims services at 800-493-2391 or visit our website to learn more.